Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i watched babel last nite. i had high expectations going into the movie, but instead it was kind of disappointing. the movie wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. without giving away any plot points, i feel like the indie/deep/meaningful films aren't heading in a good direction.

it started with Garden State, which was meaningful. then came Lost in Translation, which i THINK was meaningful, but couldn't really tell. and now we have Babel, which is sort of formulaic. the formula is:

1) the director takes a person thru some random journey to find himself (either spiritual or physical), then at the end of the movie have a scene where:


2) the director throws together different random plots/people with their own conflicts and agendas, who happen to be connected because of some random incident, then at the end of the movie have a scene where:


a) the audience has no idea what is happening (whispering scene in Lost in Translation, note scene in Babel), and we all feel somehow mesmerized by the thoughfulness of the director's intent.


b) a character has a deep message to the audience
-i'm going to live life and stop worrying about the rest
-who cares what other ppl think
-we're all different but at the same time similar
-i love you/mom/dad/sibling/family

go ahead, mix and match. don't get me wrong, it's not bad. i love most of these movies, and i like walking away from a movie that makes me think, even if i don't know exactly why. i guess maybe i don't make a good movie critic, but it just seems the different is turning into the norm.

and btw, im really addicted to imeem.com


Blogger Sayuri said...

Did you CP that from somewhere else? Stop trying to be a smartass :P

8:59 AM

Blogger amish said...

what i hate is how something like Crash happens and then any movie that has any sort of semblance to it (in this case a movie that has multiple plots, wow!) is compared to it and then someone goes "oh its just another Crash"

bzzzz. theres been plenty of movies, better ones, that have been doin this before crash.

u.s. indie movies generally suck, go foreign

talk to her
sex y lucia
amores perros (from guy who did 21 grams and babel)
run lola run

3:23 PM


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