Sunday, April 29, 2007

I had a weird dream last nite. In my dream, we were prepping for an attack by a vampire. There was a random pregnant lady, Allie, my roommate, and Lil Bow Wow, who was a half-robot/half-human hybrid. I was going to the grocery store to buy garlic, and as i was getting out of my car, i see this mirror on the ground. I pick it up, and somehow it brings me to this other dimension. This other dimension is exactly the same as this world, but there aren't any people around.

So naturally, i give the mirror to the pregnant lady so she can avoid the vampire attack. She thanks me and disappears. Afterwards at home, we're making this garlic paste (chopped garlic with sea salt, then grind with the flat side of a knife, if anyone's wondering) to smear on our bodies, neck, arms etc, as to not get bitten. Finally, it's time.

I come out of the bathroom, and as i open the door i can't see around the corners, so i run and jump into the middle of the room. Then i see Lil Bow Wow walking up the stairs, and he has a veil over his face. He takes it off, and reveals that he is the vampire. It turns out the vampire is Eunji, and she comes after me. I punch her in the stomach but she just pushes me across the room. Then everything stops, and the whole thing was just a practice run of some sort. Everyone gathers in the room, and Eunji asks, "Would you rather be attacked by vampires or zombies?" I guess she was only helping us practice for an attack by the undead. But since she is our friend, she doesn't want to hurt us.

This makes me wonder. I think I would rather be attacked by vampires. At least they can talk, and maybe you could negotiate with them. And there's always a chance of you becoming one, which is much better than becoming a braindead zombie. Vampires just party and rave all day, and roam the streets at night. I don't think drinking blood would be that hard to get used to either.

Perhaps this is an omen of things to come... i'm hungover.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

i just bought something online, and entered all my credit card information from MEMORY. i need to stop shopping. that was kinda scary..

Monday, April 23, 2007

i've been reading and hearing about the 2008 presidential elections, and i'm wondering who will win. it's so very exciting! let's do a quick (100% scientific and factual) breakdown:

Barack Obama: someone who's name is a cross between a Mortal Kombat character and a terrorist is not going to win.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: no stance on issues, and we all know how that turned out for kerry. and that's not counting the fact that she gives off a bitchy and blood-sucking vibe.

John Mccain: myspace hacked, and reminds me of howard dean. cool die hard name though.

John Edwards: hmm, did you know he has a Second Life account? kinda weird.

Al Gore: shut the hell up already. makes me want to litter and drive a bus.

Rudy Giuliani: very likeable (to me at least). but just feels like he's too... public now.

Joe Biden: ehh.

since i'm tired of thinking about this, i'm going to say the winner is: Bill Richardson.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2 things u didnt know about me:
  • i can cross my eyes independently
  • i can spray saliva directly out of my salivary gland
the end.